Donovan Casas Patino
Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, Mexico
Title: Pepitometro: Virtual page to combat childhood obesity and overweight
Biography: Donovan Casas Patino
Mexico occupies the first place worldwide in childhood overweight and obesity (OySP), in this context there have been multiple proposals to combat OySP, from invasive clinical models to food policies such as food labeling and calorie reduction in food, and even thus, the problem of OySP is increasing, so we devised a virtual page proposal which, through translation of the knowledge of experts in the area under study, we propose the creation of the pepitometer, which functions as the diffuser instrument of the knowledge of styles of healthy life in this age group, through two parameters scientific awareness of knowledge translation and availability of information, this makes in children behavioral appropriation towards healthy lifestyles through the promotion of these contents in the family nucleus. It is worth mentioning that this page was piloted in a group of 300 children between eight and 12 years old, of which 69% on admission to the page presented OySP, 7% malnutrition and 24% normal weight, in a period of two months 6,000 visits were registered by registered users, the most visited portals, menu of the week (30%), pepitometer function (30%), physical activity (20%) and games (20%), at the end of the cross section after two months, we found 77% of OySP, 6% malnutrition and 17% normal weight this in registered users, this shows that the trend remains static, in two dichotomous slopes of the country, OySP and malnutrition, this page pepitometer, It is a tool that can be very useful for monitoring and combating these global pandemics, which depend on social nutrition.