Ovidio Alberto Garcia Villarreal
Hospital Zambrano-Hellion, Mexico
Ovidio A García Villarreal is the Founder and present President of the Mexican College of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery. He is the immediate past President of the Mexican Society of Cardiac Surgery. He is a Cardiac Surgeon retired from the social medicine, now focused exclusively on private practice in Monterrey, México.
He is member of the Mexican Society of Cardiac Surgery, Mexican College of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, Society of Thoracic Surgeons, European Association of Cardiothoracic Surgery, and of the National Association of Cardiologists of Mexico. He has published more than 50 articles indexed in PubMed, and many others in non-indexed journals. He is the Founder and present Editor-in-Chief of Cirugía Cardiaca en México, official journal of the Mexican Society of Cardiac Surgery since 2015. He is Reviewer in many prestigious international journals, as Annals of Thoracic Surgery, European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery, Arch. Cardiol. Mex., and many other open access journals. He is the Precursor and the highest extensive experienced in the field of atrial fibrillation surgery (maze procedure), mitral valve repair, and aortic valve sparing-operations (David procedure, Yacoub procedure) in México. He was awarded with the National Prize in Surgery 2000 “Fernando Montes de Oca” from the Mexican Academy of Surgery, the highest prize for surgery in México.
Abstract : Mitraclip therapy: Rules do not change, Annuloplasty ring is a must